“Telling your story” is a collection of short, brief stories that I bring here to share and demonstrate the value of story. Some of these are my own stories and some are paraphrased from other sources. Come with me on my growth to becoming an even better storyteller. “Telling business stories with creativity is what I do” - Brian with BrianTripPhoto.



Brian Triplett here with Brian Trip Photo I am a commercial, brand and business photography and video service company.

This story is titled “Blacksmith”

Paul entered Jenn’s local jewelry shop to look at engagement rings.  His eyes were drawn to a small, round diamond in a gold setting.  “How much?” he asked.

Jenn didn’t answer directly. She began to explain that this diamond was a pre-1925 cut diamond with a history.  “Tell me more,” Paul asked.

In 1887, this diamond was bought by Elizabeth Shaffer down here on Post St. Her husband was a blacksmith and assistant to Henry Flagler.  They didn’t have much before they were married and as Henry was working in the area they needed his blacksmith expertise …

Now you probably know that a small diamond ring can be worth under $2,000 today. But did you know that a small diamond ring with a story can make it worth $20,000.

“Story” gives deeper meaning and deeper value. 

Some people get clients by lowering their price.  Some do it by sharing their uniqueness. Sharing uniqueness leads to the road called “priceless.”

in my experience, I believe the best marketers are storytellers.  And the best sales pitch is your story. People can copy your business.  But they can never copy your story.

Telling your business stories with creativity is what I do! Brian with Brian Trip Photo!

“Genuine Business Owner”

Brian Triplett here with Brian Trip Photo I am a commercial, brand and business photography and video service company.

This story is titled “Genuine Business Owner”

Sarah saw everyone dancing on Instagram reels, and she felt the fear not to follow. But as she danced anxiously, she kept thinking how good it must’ve feel if she wrote a blog about it instead.

Sarah saw others giving a 50% sale, and she felt the fear not to follow. But as she waited for the sales to come, she kept thinking how the discounted price didn’t match the passion she’d put into it.

If you feel like Sarah, you’d want to hear this story and how it ends.

When other shoe companies were advertising about their shoes. Nike didn’t ask for permission to advertise motivation. They just do it.

When every other soda company sold taste. Coca Cola didn’t care.  They sell how you feel. Now when we open a Coca Cola we open happiness

Don’t ask the world what it needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.

I think the world needs more people who have come alive. What should you follow? I say what feels right in your soul.  

The best salesman is a genuine business owner.  And the best sales pitch is your real story.

Telling your business stories with creativity is what I do! Brian with Brian Trip Photo!

“Regular Barber”

Brian Triplett here with Brian Trip Photo I am a commercial, brand and business photography and video service company.

This story is titled “Regular Barber”

So my brother in-law Jared has a regular barber he gets his haircut from.  But one day his was barber was sick, but he needed a haircut bad.  He was recommended a pro barber at a different shop, he was extremely talented and a staple at this barber at the shop.

After his new cut, he was offered a 25% discount if I became a monthly member. But he declined it. I asked him why.  “Well the discount was great but … I still prefer my regular barber.

He doesn’t just cut is well.  He also cares about it.  He knows if something’s wrong with my hair, knows my callicks and how to shape it.” “We discuss our lives.  I know the story of how he became a barber and he knows a lot about me too.  It almost feels like we’re family.”

Lesson of the story: Don’t focus too much on the battle of price.  Focus on building strong relationships with your clients.  

Because discounts are comparable. But relationships are irreplaceable.

Telling your business stories with creativity is what I do! Brian with Brian Trip Photo!